
Local, Seasonal and Organic Flowers

Our wedding was in October in New York and it was important to us to only use local, season, and organic flowers.  We were able to supply our florist with most of the material from ours, my parents', our friends', and our neighbors' gardens.  The rest we bought from a local organic farm.  My bouquet (pictured left and going clockwise from the bottom) consisted of tree hydrangea (yellow green with pink tips), large dahlias (pink), mop-head hydrangea (blue), rose-flowered begonia (creamy white), flowering sage (deep blue-violet), and pink roses.  I love the full lush look.  A bouquet like this would normally cost about $200, which is another reason why going local makes sense - importing is expensive!
Comment: If you cannot find local flowers- consider a charity bouquet from Organic Bouquets. Click here to see 45 Charity Bouquets at Organic Bouquet!

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