
Once-worn Designer Shoes

A great way to be green and ultra-fashionable is to buy a smashing pair of once-worn designer shoes and resell them after your wedding (which means in most cases your net cost is just the shipping fee).   For my wedding I bought these gorgeous Vera Wang shoes on eBay.  For safety on a slippery dance floor, you can sandpaper the bottom of your shoes or add a pair of foot petal shoe stoppers.  I also bought a pair of Kiwi Smiling Feet ball cushions (which I cannot recommend more highly).  Although they are not as environmentally sound as, let's say, buying a pair of shoes that fit, they are better than buying two pairs of shoes, or breaking in a new pair to the point of no return  - where no dignified bride would buy them from you and they fall out of the recycling chain. My mother used the heel liners and was equally pleased.  

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